Oil, gas, coal industries want Washington, British Columbia as permanent home ports

By srschram|June 17, 2015|Air Pollution, Marine Mammals, Oil & Coal, Orca, Whales|

To Orca Relief Supporters: We are faced with potentially huge buildups of coal and oil transport infrastructure. If built, these facilities could mean thousands of additional large ship trips per year through endangered Southern Resident Orca critical habitat, adding significant noise and disturbance on top of what they already experience, along with the real potential for a spill, and reductions in air quality. Joel Connelly of Seattle PI provides an

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2015 Killer Whale Research Survey: Presentation by Brad Hanson, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

By srschram|March 18, 2015|Marine Mammals, Orca, Orca Relief, Research, SRKWs|

When: Thursday March 26, 7 – 8:30 pm. (Doors open at 6:15) Where: C&P Coffee Company, 5612 California Ave SW Cost: $5 suggested donation; kids free Advance tickets: brownpapertickets.com Presented by The Whale Trail Researchers recently spent 21 days aboard the NOAA ship Bell M. Shimada, tracking endangered Southern Resident killer whales (SRKWs) off the coasts of Washington and Oregon. Good weather and ocean conditions allowed researchers exceptional access to

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Only 81 of These Killer Whales Are Left, but Their Chances of Survival Just Got a Big Boost

By srschram|February 26, 2015|Marine Mammals, News, Orca, Protection Zone, SRKWs|

From Take Part media: The federal government wants to greatly expand protections for the Southern Resident orcas off the West Coast. “The Obama administration will nearly quadruple the protected habitat of the Southern Resident killer whale, the worldโ€™s most endangered orca. Only 81 Southern Resident killer whales remain, but the United States National Marine Fisheries Service announced this week that it intends to protect as many as 9,000 square miles

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Oil Shipments Endanger Orca Habitat

By srschram|August 8, 2014|Marine Mammals, Oil & Coal, Orca, Salish Sea, Toxins, Whales|

Which iconic places could be affected by an oil spill in the Salish Sea? Kinder Morgan plans to ship 400 tankers loaded with tar sands oil each year through the Salish Sea. If the oil spilled, where would it go, and what iconic and ecologically important places could be affected? Learn More…