New Puget Sound climate study: Older projections coming true, more changes ahead

By srschram|December 4, 2015|Climate Change, Puget Sound|

Closer to home than the thousands of world leaders in Paris to discuss how to limit the scale of human-caused global warming, the consequences of climate change underway around Puget Sound have been detailed in an in-depth scientific study. The report, issued in November [] by the University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group, found projections in a 2005 study on potential warming effects have come to pass, its authors said.

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Ocean-energy project bad for killer whales, B.C. researcher says

By srschram|July 25, 2015|Climate Change, News, Orca, Whales|

From the Vancouver Sun: “A proposed clean-energy project may slow the speed of climate change, but it could also imperil threatened orcas, critics say. Vancouver-based Weyl Power Ltd. — pronounced “wheel,” not “whale” — is eyeing two sites within the Northern resident killer whales’ critical habitat for ocean energy projects. The company has only applied to monitor and investigate the potential of the sites, but a local orca researcher says

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NOAA Fisheries Report Includes Chance for Whale Protection Zone

By srschram|August 2, 2014|Climate Change, Orca, Press Releases, Protection Zone, Toxins|

From: NOAA ecolist: 10 Year Orca Whale Report: Today, NOAA Fisheries released a report highlighting the accomplishments of 10 years of dedicated research and conservation of the endangered Southern Resident Orca whale population. With a decade of federal funding and productive partnerships with the killer whale community, we have taken targeted actions, collected substantial new data, and refined scientific techniques to protect this listed species and ensure a strong foundation

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