Recent Major Press

Trans Mountain Pipeline Approved. The Canadian National Energy Board has approved the Kinder Morgan proposal to expand their Trans Mountain pipeline, despite acknowledging that the project poses a threat to the SRKWs from the increased shipping traffic noise the project will create. Conservation groups argued that the project would be in violation of the Species At Risk Act, which protects endangered species. First Nations also opposed the ruling, citing the cultural and ecological importance of the Orca. May 21, 2016

Gateway Pacific Terminal Rejected. The US Army Corps of Engineers has rejected a proposed coal export terminal, citing the historic fishing rights of the Lummi Tribe. The Gateway Pacific terminal would have significantly increased vessel traffic and built hundreds of new docks, threatening both salmon and orca. This project is the latest in several that have been denied in the region over concerns that the project will threaten salmon populations. May 12, 2016

B C Recommends that Trans Mountain Pipeline be Rejected. The Government of British Columbia has recommended that the National Energy board not approve the Kinder Morgan plan to expand the Trans Mountain oil pipeline. Environmental Minister Mary Polak stated that the recommendation resulted from Kinder Morgan’s failure to provide an adequate plan for preventing or responding to oil spills. (Courtesy of Salish Sea News) January 11, 2016

Whidbey Island Tidal Energy Project Closed. The Snohomish County Public Utility Department has officially closed its tidal energy project, asking federal regulators to cancel its ten-year license. The project, which involved installing turbines on the seafloor off of Whidbey Island, was still in the developmental phase, but had been non-operational since fall of 2014. The plan was deemed “no longer economically feasible” after the budget nearly doubled and the state was unable to secure further funding from the federal EPA. January 7, 2016 (Courtesy of Salish Sea News).

Tacoma Methanol Plan Might Threaten Chinooks. A methanol plant planned for the Port of Tacoma has come under scrutiny from environmental activists. Of particular concern is the large amount of water needed for the methanol production process; the plant could potentially double the city’s water consumption, threatening the Green River, a crucial habitat for the Chinook salmon. January 6, 2016. (Courtesy of Salish Sea News)

BC Natural Gas Export Facility Receives First Permit. A joint venture company led by Shell Oil has received the first facility permit from the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission necessary to build a liquefied Natural Gas export facility in northern British Columbia. The project received environmental approval from federal and provincial governments in June of 2015, but will require one final permit from Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The joint venture company proposing this facility has yet to make a final investment commitment for the project. (Courtesy of Salish Sea News) January 6, 2016

WA Carbon Reduction Rule Hearings. The Washington State Department of Ecology has proposed a rule that would require a 5% reduction of carbon emissions every three years from the state’s largest industrial producers of greenhouse gases. Four public hearings have been scheduled for the proposal, and a final rule is anticipated in June of 2016. January 6, 2016 (Courtesy of Salish Sea News)

BC Natural Gas Export Facility Review. Assessment Agency has resumed a review of a proposed project to export liquefied natural gas from British Columbia. Environmental groups have expressed concerned that the planned terminal on Lelu Island will pose a threat to nearby salmon habitat. An assessment report from the CEAA is anticipated in early 2016, accompanied by a document outlining environmental conditions that must be followed if the building process proceeds. (Courtesy of Salish Sea News) Dec. 20, 2015